Our instructor training courses are very popular. Many of our clients choose to provide training some of their own staff in certain areas of health and safety to enable them to deliver training in-house. For example, the Health Safety Welfare at Work Act (2005) states that employees must be supervised. Even if you choose to use a training provider to provide staff training, it is good practice to have a trained trainer onsite who can provide ongoing supervision and provide ad-hoc training when necessary.
These courses are very popular with Health & Safety Managers, Safety Officers, HR, Department Managers and Supervisors.
These courses are ideal for people looking to become a trainer or to start a training business. We love to help new clients explore the options on how to become a trainer. In fact, many of our trainee’s have went on to become our competitors. We can give advice to our trainee’s who want to set themselves up as a freelance trainer or those who want to start a training business.
We deliver essential qualifications for those working as freelance health and safety trainers as those who wish to pursue a career in health and safety training. For those new to health and safety training please contact us to discuss which courses may be right for you.
Instructor Training Courses on offer. Click on the links to find course dates in 2020:
- PHECC CFR Instructor
- Work at Height & Lanyard Inspector Training
- Fire Safety Instructor Course
- Abrasive Wheels Instructor
- Fire Safety Instructor Course
- VDU / DSE Assessors Training Course
Discounts available if booking more than one instructor training course or booking with a friend or colleague.
Whether you are already an experienced trainer or looking to become a trainer, please don’t hesitate to contact us for advice. If you don’t see the instructor training course your looking for or dates that suit contact us and we will do our best to facilitate you.